Delta Holistic Therapy Center

Frederick, Maryland

an association of independent practitioners, providing breadth of knowledge, experience and care to our community

an association of independent practitioners, providing breadth of knowledge, experience and care to our community

CranioSacral Study Groups and Mentoring

with Lori Leitzel Rice

Frederick, MD CranioSacral Therapist Lori Leitzel Rice, haired pulled back and in a black tank top, stands next to a sculpture of two hands coming together

CST Study Group

In Person

The magic of CranioSacral Therapy is not in the answers, but in good questions. We bring our

Curiosity to the table and to our study. We bring an open mind, and an

Awareness of our intent, and where we are in the system. And importantly

Trust that the client’s system and inner wisdom will show us the way. Yes, it’s all about the C.A.T.!

Prerequisite: Upledger CSTII

Time: Thursdays , 9am-Noon. Masks may be required.

We meet in the Delta carriage house classroom. Space is limited, please reserve your spot in advance.

Upcoming Dates:

  • March 6, 2025

  • April 3, 2025

  • May 1, 2025

$45 per meeting

CranioSacral Palpation Labs

In Person

Saturdays, 9:30am-5:00pm
Develop rapport with the body beyond hand position and technique.

Palpate the CranioSacral system and how restrictions express themselves in fascia.

Experience the value of listening deeply.

Understand the core intent of CST.

Prerequisite: Upledger CSTII

Saturdays, 9:30am-5:00pm

Upcoming Dates:

  • June 7, 2025 - OCB

We meet in the Delta carriage house classroom. Space is limited, please reserve your participation in advance.

$90 per meeting

Our CST Classroom

at Delta Holistic Therapy Center

We meet at the Delta carriage house classroom:

243 W. Patrick St.

Frederick, Maryland

Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST-D

Upledger Certified Teaching Assistant

A licensed massage therapist in practice since 1990, Lori specializes in CranioSacral Therapy. She earned her Techniques Certification from the Upledger Institute in 1997 and has gone on to achieve the advanced level Diplomate certification.

As an Upledger certified teaching assistant, Lori is qualified to assist CranioSacral classes at multiple levels. Lori is a study group leader, certified mentor, UI techniques certification examiner, and continues to refine her skills with advanced study of the brain and spinal cord as well as training to address specific issues of the immune system.

​A multidisciplinary practice located within the historic district in Frederick Maryland.

​A multidisciplinary practice located within the historic district in Frederick Maryland.

245 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701

©1992 – 2025 Delta Holistic Therapy Center